You are currently viewing Message to PGHS Matrics and all learners in other Grades.

Message to PGHS Matrics and all learners in other Grades.

2020 has presented us with many extra challenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  The environment that you have become familiar with no longer looks the same, because of the need for social distancing, having to wear masks and constantly sanitise hands.  You have had a long, enforced absence from school, which left you frustrated and unsettled.

Yet, your education continued despite the uncertainty, with lessons on Google classroom, WhatsApp and other online platforms. Once you were able to return to school, we all worked together to try and make sense of the ‘new normal’. The vast majority of you rose to the challenge, and we thank you for your co-operation in adhering to the Covid-19 protocols.

Against all odds, we have reached the point where the Matrics have already started exams, and other grades begin on Monday.  We would like to encourage you to make every effort possible to make this year successful, in spite of the difficulties you have faced.  Success is not determined by luck, but by thorough preparation.  Make sure that you prepare well.

Best wishes for the exams.

Miss Njapha, Management and Staff of PGHS.

Mr. KJ Sibiya

Message from Mr. KJ Sibiya (SGB Chairperson)

It`s that time of the year you have been looking forward to, for the past 12years. On behalf of the School Governing Body, l would like to wish you all the best in your examinations. Despite all distractions of the year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we still believe that you will triumph at the end.

Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for protecting and keeping the school brand shining.

Thank you.

Mr. KJ Sibiya (SGB Chairperson)

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