- We extend our best wishes for a safe and healthy 2021 to our entire PGHS family.
- We send condolences to all members of our PGHS community who have lost loved ones during the time school has been closed.
- We would like to welcome back all our returning learners, as well as the Grade 8s of 2021.
- Please be aware that we are currently in Amended Level 3 of lockdown.
- All the Covid-19 protocols remain in place, namely, mandatory wearing of masks, strict physical distancing measures, regular cleaning, and disinfection of surfaces, as well as thorough washing and sanitizing of hands throughout the day.
- We appeal to parents to please emphasize these procedures to their daughters and make them understand that they apply AT ALL TIMES, including on the corridors between lessons, at break and after school. Please note that there is to be NO HUGGING, in accordance with social distancing. The health and safety of all learners and staff are crucial, and we cannot afford to be careless and take chances. We would like to thank parents for their continued support and understanding.
- Learners are further reminded that we expect strict adherence to all aspects of the Code of Conduct, including the Hair Policy.
- We are still required to limit the number of learners at school at any given time, so there will be attendance on alternate days. However, classes will no longer be split.
- Screening will take place at the Hockey Gate and learners will be directed to their areas by Learner Leaders and Mentors.
- School Hours: Monday to Thursday 7.40 – 14.00 / Friday 7.40 – 12.55
- Grade 8 Orientation will take place on Thursday 11 February from 8 am – 12 pm.
- Learners are requested to return outstanding textbooks to school on Wednesday 3 February and Thursday 4 February between 8.00 and 11.00. This is to help ensure that textbooks for 2021 may be issued promptly once learners return to school.
- Parents are reminded that they are required to supply 2 reams of paper. Please send these in with the learners as soon as they return to school.
- Deep cleaning and sanitizing of the school will be done daily after school. LEARNERS MUST BE PICKED UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER SCHOOL so that deep cleaning can take place.
- Any fitness training activities will take place from 14.00 – 15.00 on the field. More details will be given to the learners in the first week of school.
- We would like to inform the parents of the passing of Nelisa Mqadi, a learner from our school who completed Grade 12 in 2020. Our deepest condolences go to her family and friends.
Grade 8
Grade 8 learners will attend an Orientation Programme on Thursday 11 February from 8am – 12pm. They will be placed in their classes and given important information.
Grade 8s will return to school on Monday 15 February, and will attend school on Days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Mentors will assist the learners when they arrive and have been screened.
Grade 9 and Grade 10
Grade 9 and 10 learners will return to school on Tuesday 16 February.
Learners are to please consult the class lists near the Tuck Shop to find their register classes before proceeding to their fields.
Grades 9 and 10 will attend school on Days 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
Grade 11
Grade 11 learners will return to school on Monday 15 February.
Class lists will be placed on the Grade 11 Quad near Mrs Ndaba’s classroom, so learners can see who their Register Teachers are.
Grade 11s will attend school on Days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Grade 12
Grade 12s will return to school on Monday 15 February and will attend school every day.
Class lists will be displayed at the entrances to the Matric Quads for learners to find their register classes.