- ALL learners to enter through the pedestrian gate by the Hockey Gate.
- Proceed through Junior Tuckshop gate into Admin quad.
- Screening and sanitizing will take place.
- Go to quads and maintain social distancing.
- No entry without masks.
- Code of Conduct to be adhered to at ALL TIMES, including Hair Policy and Amended Code of Conduct which will be given to learners for parents’ signature.
- Revised timetable to be given to learners.
N.B. Monday to Thursday school will finish at 14:50 and 13:50 on Friday.
- Please make new transport arrangements. Learners MUST be fetched immediately after school.
- The Tuckshop will NOT be open. Learners to bring sufficient food for the day.
- Please ensure that your daughter leaves home earlier to come to school, because of restricted numbers in public transport.
- Safety measures according to Covid-19 regulations have been put in place.
- If your daughter suffers from any of the risk factors, please send an email to Miss Njapha (pghsadmin@pghs.co.za) so that arrangements can be made for collection of work and assessments etc.
- We encourage parents to communicate with the school via phone calls and emails, instead of coming to the school.
SGB and School management.